Saturday 15 June 2013

The Catcher in the Rye

The Catcher in the Rye (1951) is a novel by J.D. Salinger. The story centers around Holden Caulfield, a student of Pencey Prep in Agerstown, Pennsylvania, who gets kicked out of school no sooner than the story starts! He was not supposed to return after Christmas vacation.
The Catcher in the Rye

In the meanwhile, his room-mate  Stradlater seemed to have found a date with Holden's old friend and neighbor , Jane. Holden suspected that this guy had taken advantage of Jane and got into a fight with him. He lost. Fed up of New York he catches a train to New York City. He decides to stay in Edmont Hotel till Wednesday, when he was supposed to meet his parents.

Things apparently starts getting hot when the lift-man offers to send a prostitute to his room, but Holden spoils the fun, he decides not to have sex with the girl but just have a conversation with her which of course pissed the girl off. A number of events follow till he reaches home.

Salinger's style of writing is pretty interesting. Full of personal comments and excessive use of the same slang make it somewhat funny. Everyone seems to curse the same way (e.g.  everyone would be using 'sonuvabitch' instead of son of a bitch) which make people a little undifferentiable in the manner in which they speak. But Salinger amazes us by replicating exactly the manner in which a 17 year old guy would write in his personal diary. It is this writing style that appeals more to the reader than the plot itself, not that I am saying that it lacks a story line --- rather it is a pretty good book for a light read.

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